When it comes to marketing tools, social media is fast and powerful. Used properly, it can build customer relationships with a personal touch. A common error committed by marketers is not creating a plan before jumping in. In order to receive the full benefits of social media, there needs to be a strong marketing strategy […]
Website Revenue Strategies: Adsense
As most of you know I am not a fan of Google’s invasiveness and their propensity to overlook and eventually disregard small business in their development of new products. However, I admit, I am a big fan of Google Adsense. I have had much success and I know MANY website owners who are making a […]
Fraud, Starlita Similien and Your Digital Property
Many of us in the domain investment and website development world often think we are above reproach when it comes to avoiding online fraud. However, the modern world communication is far faster and more far-reaching than ever before. We cut off one head of the Fraud Hydra, 7 more appear, and usually more savvy. According […]
My Favorite Developed Sites for This Week
I often scour the internet looking for innovative websites that I may find of use or are just interesting in their application and development. I am not talking about mini site developments or how someone took their names and parked them thinking that is development. I am intrigued as to what the rest of the […]
Arrogance, Sloth and Apathy: Time to Grow Up
I am Angry! I am Upset! I am Tired of all this Misbehavior! In recent months it has come to my attention the sense of arrogance, sloth and apathy that has been seeping to the surface in our small world by certain service providers and individuals. Examples range from those running charity and business investment […]
4 Apps That Will Ruin Your Rep
People can be so negligent when using social apps. I watch adults, teens and children use social engaging apps every day and they don’t have a clue as to who is listening on the other end. It is almost as if they believe the social media app gives them the super power of anonymity. Many […]
The Dark Beneath the Surface: The Deep Web
Just recently my cousin called and asked me what the Dark Web was. He wanted to know as it had been in the news recently and he wasn’t exactly sure what The Dark Web was, how it worked or if in fact, The Dark (Deep, Shadow or Invisible) web, just a fairytale. I assured him […]
Top 15 Ways to Get Real People to Your Website
Whether it’s a business website or a personal website made for fun, most people who create and run websites are looking for real people to view their pages, purchase their products, offer feedback, incite discussion and more. Getting legitimate views can seem like a big task to tackle, but there are numerous tips to make […]
Angela St. Julien: Mom and Entrepreneur – Brand.bar
1. If there was a movie produced about your life who would play you and why? Okay, i’m going to tag my twin sister for this one. She is an amazing woman, and knows me better then anyone in the world. So who better to play me. 😉 Besides, I don’t think there’s an actress […]